• great international opportunities with joint ventures and trade fairs
• information about different countries, cultures and languages
• understanding of an enterprising attitude and the job markets of the future
Practical resources and new tools – from young people to young people
JA 24H Camp promotes the entrepreneurial spirit among young people. JA 24H Camp
stimulates entrepreneurial behavior and provides new tools to stimulate the students’
way of thinking.
JA 24H Camp improves your motivation to teach and learn entrepreneurship in schools
and it provides you with means to tie working life and school life closer together.
Four Nordic countries – Innovation tour around the Nordic countries
JA 24H Camp consists of 4 partners from 4 Nordic countries.
- Nösnäsgymnasiet, Sweden
- Den jydske Haandværkerskole, Denmark
- Raision seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä, Raisio Secondary Businesschool, Finland
- Nord-Trøndelag fylkeskommune, Norway
JA 24H Camp is build on the foundation provided by JA-YE Finland’s learning programme,
which provides young people with entrepreneurial skills and know-how. The
campers are given a challenge concerning working life and expansion of a company
that they must solve. At the end of the event, the innovations and new ideas are presented
to the person who issued the challenge, who then proceeds to give feedback to
the team. The best ideas are put in use!
Would your company like a head-start into the future?
We are currently looking for partners from business and enterprise sectors to participate
in the JA 24H Camp event. Possible positions include lecturing experts, judges,
mentors or challenge supervisors.
Our event provides you with a terrific chance to promote your field and meet possible
future employees. JA 24H Camps take place in 2012. They are funded by the Leonardo
Join us in building the Future!
Contact: Hannu Koivisto, hannu.koivisto@raseko.fi, tel. + 358 44 705 7696.
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